Most people are already quite well aware of their choices in home insurance, Auto Insurance, and life insurance. However, it is not a very well known fact that you can obtain other insurance for nearly any of your possessions. Just because your items are a bit out of the ordinary doesn't mean you cannot get high quality insurance policy coverage for your boat, recreational vehicle (RV), or your other toy. Here are some of the basics about other insurance coverage types.
This is truly a vital type of insurance because if you own a recreational vehicle you are likely to be out on the road with it, traveling through different areas -- often different states. Your recreational vehicle needs to be insured just as much as your daily driver does -- and because your monetary investment in the RV is so substantial you need to be certain you won't lose that large investment if disaster strikes. RV coverage can be arranged, and is often merged with your current auto policy. This will sometimes yield you a substantial policy discount, as well.
Whether your boat spends half of its life in the garage or it is out on the lake full time, boat insurance is essential. Your boat is exposed to weather and daily elements no matter where it is, and it may also be exposed to vandals or thieves. Your Home policy will not cover your boat whether it is on your property at the time it is stolen or vandalized or not.
Umbrella insurance gives you extra liability coverage that exceeds your Home, car, or boat policy. Once the liability limits on those policies have been hit, your umbrella policy will be activated. These policies will cover liability related coverage for situations like: accusation of libel or slander, and false arrest. The umbrella policy will fill gaps in your existing policies as well as cover legal fees.